Monday, February 22, 2016

Yike the spider bracket was a mess!

The continuation of the Whirlpool Duet spider bracket problem.  I know many have experienced this and so, this is all old news.  I'm just documenting my bracket disaster.  In this case, we lucked out and the bracket didn't actually snap and clung to cause a catastrophic failure.  It certainly looked as though the bracket dissolved as if acid was poured on it.

Here is where I think the greatest decay weakened the bracket

Prior to this shot, the bracket was caked in mock

Many holes that allows the stainless steel to shows through

So the new basket and bracket arrived and it is installed and laundry is back on schedule.  The new unit looked like an exact match, but without the crud and holes.  Looks like I'll have to revisit the innards next year to clean out thing and maybe use epoxy paint or an aerospace paint to protect it.  Maybe the machine will finally died before the bracket decays, or maybe we will have it for another ten years?

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